It is narrated that Muhammad (PBUH) used to recite Al_ Qunoot whenever a major difficulty or disaster befell the Muslims. However, it is more understood to be a special dua which is recited during the Isha prayer. Al- Qunoot has many linguistic meanings, such as humility, devotion and obedience.

Qunoot literally means being obedient or the act of standing. In this Dua e Qunoot app, there is audio of the dua and translation in two major languages Urdu and English. So, they love to memorize Dua e Qunoot, so that, they may be able to earn Allah’s mercy and blessing.

Muslims all over the world recite Dua e Qunoot daily in Isha prayer. Dua e Qunoot is the best addition in the series of the Islamic mobile phone application. Dua e Qunoot is a beautiful application for all the Muslims around the globe.