a charming Playstation exclusive 3D platformer set in a world completely made of paper.a 2D action RPG inspired by Mexican culture and wrestling themes.a series of crazy cooking-themed games with a focus on co-op.a classic longrunner franchise of humorous mainly turn-based battles among the absolute last creatures you would ever expect to wield all the weapons they wield therein.a series of postapocalyptic RPGs evolving from the earlier top-down entries to the first-person later ones.a classic PC action puzzle that inspired numerous successors from Sparkle to Luxor.a driving simulation game series that challenges you with handling big vehicles in the wilderness of Eurasia and/or North America.a series of humorous point'n'click adventure games mainly taking place on a fictional planet.a free-to-play sci-fi third-person action game with distinct design, gameplay and lore, taking place all over the Solar system.a famous Nintendo franchise starring a space bounty hunter that helped shape and mainstream the action-adventure genre and a certain side-scrolling division of it in particular.a procedurally generated 2D open world building game with platforming and action elements.a famous Japanese visual novel adapted into an anime series and movie.

an action game series especially famous for tasking the player with aassin duties only to allow them to circumvent said duties entirely, influencing the story and the world around accordingly.a classic Sony Japan Studio action-adventure game, originally released for PlayStation 2.a pioneer of the first person shooter genre.a famous indie action-adventure with minimalist visuals and emphasis on gravity control the easiest spelling in this entire crossword.