The game runs on a gaming website similar to Steam. However, prior to purchasing, I was not aware that the product required internet access to play. For fans looking back at the nostalgia of real-time strategy games, or newcomers to the franchise, Command & Conquer Remastered Collection is one players might want to enlist in. The Command and Conquer: The Ultimate Collection is a good collection. There's also a large number of bonus items and videos to flesh out the experience, and the option to create your own levels when you complete the game. Players who focus on the game itself will find themselves drawn in and appreciating the work that went into bringing this classic back to life.

Younger players, even teens, might have trouble looking beyond the video and bare-bones graphics (even with the remastering, the games' graphics fall short of modern standards). The games have just the right number and types of troops, buildings, and weapons to keep you hooked without overwhelming you. But despite all of those flaws, the core game mechanic is as strong as it ever was. Both games in the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection have a little rust on them - and show their age (especially with the full-motion video cutscenes that feature painfully bad actors) - and they could desperately use some instructions or a tutorial. This series set the bar for real-time strategy titles, and while the genre has advanced in 25 years, there's a strong nostalgia factor with these games that its many, many fans will embrace.

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